Clock for Brockwell Park
from the South London Press 3 July 1897
Mr Charles Edward Tritton, the deservedly popular member of Parliament for Norwood, has generously provided a clock for Brockwell Park, and has thereby earned the gratitude of all frequenters of the park. The clock has four dials, surmounting a turret of cast iron, the whole of which weighs two tons. It does not strike, but from its lofty position at the summit of the hill to the west of the bandstand can be easily seen from the cricket and football grounds and from other parts. The dials are white enamel, and the structure is prettily decorated in green and gold. A brass plate records the fact that the clock was “The Gift of Charles Edward Tritton, MP for Norwood, 1897”.
The clock was manufactured by the well-known firm of Gillett & Johnston, Croydon.
The formal presentation of the clock took place on Saturday afternoon, when, in addition to Mr and Mrs Tritton and Miss Tritton (of Bloomfield) there were present; Mr Wetenhall (chairman of the LCC Parks Committee), Mr Nathan Robinson (vice chairman), Colonel Campbell and Dr J. White (Norwood’s representatives on the Council), Rev R B Ransford MA, Rev F S Sanders and Mrs Sanders, Rev W Stott, Dr and Mrs Gattan, Mr J F Reid, Mr Davis, and others……
Mr Wetenhall, in a few appropriate remarks, called on Mr Tritton, who was warmly cheered.
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